Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Food Changes - Day 5

Five days after cutting out sugar (including the majority of my fruit) and alcohol, I gotta say that I'm having a rough time. I cut out alcohol because I realized that it was a daily occurrence that I really felt that I couldn't live without, and that scared me. That and with my crazy blood sugar ups and downs.... Had to do it!
The up-side, though, is that I seem to have a lot more energy than most people do when they begin this. I must, because otherwise I have no other way to explain my "3 hikes in 3 days" phenomenon. So on top of my nightly sugar withdrawal headaches, today I am excruciatingly sore in both legs and especially in my hips.

Many people have reported having dour moods while attempting this, and I have to say that that's been true for me. Which of course makes the urge to eat the naughty foods that much stronger.

I gotta say that watching "Bizarre Foods America" does NOT help. I have never wanted to hop on a plane so badly (uhhh, "Salt & Straw" in Portland, anyone!?!? God help us all).

Frankly, I don't have a lot to say. I've lost two pounds in five days, I have more energy, worse moods, nightly headaches, and wicked cravings. But I've promised myself that I would give it a month, so the real test will be in 25 days - will I go nuts? Will I add some things back in in moderation? Or will I stay basically on this track? Frankly, I have no idea.

Vi skal se!

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