Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dairy-Free Yogurt?

There are a few replacements for plain ol', good ol' yogurt - the basics being soy, coconut, and rice. Soy was all I could get at the usual big-brand grocery store (Albertsons') but recently, at my local health-food store, I happened upon both brown rice yogurt and coconut yogurt. Brown rice sounded interesting, and the coconut sounded downright promising after the OUTRAGEOUS non-dairy frozen dessert I tried from Trader Joe's. My Husband, The Viking bought one of each and here I am - currently trying the two. Firstly, the brown rice yogurt looked terrifying. The same kind of murky brown/gray that you find between the flesh and skin of a salmon -- not promising. I got vanilla in both types so better assess - both smell just like vanilla yogurt. The thing is is that the brown rice one tastes like a baby ate some brown rice and then spit it up. It is HORRIBLE. Just absolutely nothing like yogurt.
The coconut yogurt is by the legendary brand "SO Delicious" and while it (obviously) doesn't taste just like dairy yogurt, it's pretty darn ok.
Soy, not tasted tonight but had a few times previously, was the former heavyweight champion, tasting mostly like yogurt, but with a tongue-twisting after-taste and sharp middle flavors. All in all, coconut yogurt is the new winner and has coconut shaping up to be the savior of the dairy-free.

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